Saturday, January 7, 2012

Filled Under:

KFC Mystery Meat

A man   purchased chicken at a KFC in Marshfield, Missouri and to his surprise, he found something embedded in the chicken thigh that he had ordered. What is it?

KFC-Brains or a Worm in that Thigh Meat

KFC-Brains or a Worm in that Thigh Meat

KFC-Brains or a Worm in that Thigh Meat

The man says:

"The store manager tried to tell me that it was nothing and was quick to grab it from my hands and throw it away. Offered me a free piece to replace it ... yeah, right ... last time I'll ever step foot in KFC ever again. Even tried to contact their corporate office to file a complaint and never get a response."

Source and more photos:


  1. Those r def. teeth!

  2. He should've eaten it. You get magical powers and it's the best part of the chicken. YOLO!!

  3. OMG that is DISGUSTING!! What the heck is it?!

  4. Its a catapiller fools!

  5. This is an imperfection in a natural creature, your the dumb ass to call it out and try to make a bfd about it... If you were serious at all you wouldn't be at KFC anyway. Fuck off with your alarmist, thinking your cool bullshit. #BuyChickenandCookIt #YourAnIdiot

  6. It is part of the actual chicken, normal. I eat it all the time. No big deal.. You should really know your chicken before you blow it out of proportion.

  7. its a chicken foot!

  8. JosephaKnight must be black

  9. Thats soooo gross!! I had not been to KFC in a long time, I cook my chicken at home. I don't think I'll be going to KFC any time soon.

  10. it looks like a baby chicken to me

  11. My friend's son just found brains in his KFC today!

  12. If it was NBD the manager wouldn't have freaked out.

  13. That is just the glands in the thigh of the chicken. Its not weird. It's always there. Next time, look for it in the chicken thigh. It should be on the bony side of the thigh.

  14. That Joseph guy is a faggot

  15. That's normal. Tastes good actually. Try eating it, isn't harmful at all.. See the vein that sticks out from the left side? Yeah, it's part of the chicken, not a baby alien or whatever.

  16. I cook chicken all the time(whole chickens). And I haven't cooked, eaten, or seen something like that. Eeeeewwwwwwww.

  17. I've been eating that since i was a kid.. That is the best part of the thigh i tell you..i eat it last because it tastes so damn can be found in EVERY thigh inside the boney case you didn't find it, it's because the vendor has clean it away beforehand..

  18. African americans should be able to eat this. :-)

    1. Anonymous ,ure a fool for saying african americans can eat this,bloody gaddem motherfucking racist!!u should be hang,shot,ur guts ripped outta ur inside nd left for dogs to eat,no dogs are way betta dan u,left for maggots nd flies to feed on!!fooolll

    2. typical nigger violence ^

    3. It's KFC, that's what African americans eat, face it ... why do you think so many African americans are really fat and also violent ?? They wouldn't even notice that strange looking chicken part. African americans eat a lot of KFC chicken, grape juice and watermelon, everybody nows that. It's common knowledge.

    4. Knows* you racist bastard.

    5. Oh yes, I would like it if it was all segregated again, that would be a good thing ... but I make my own personal segregation by avoiding places where African americans hang out a lot (KFC restaurant !) I often see very obese African americans there stuffing their faces with greasy chicken... and getting fatter all the time too. I would also prefer not to have African americans preparing my food, I don't like African americans handling my food, I prefer white people handling it. :-)

    6. well cracker I am also a cracker, I don't want anyone handling my food, period.

  19. If it's okay to be eaten, why that manager not tell him if he could eat that?!
    There must be something wrong with it, eh?

  20. its a baby chicken

  21. They are a terrible Company - never work there and never eat there and if you work there don't get hurt...They will not pay workers comp.

  22. guys... its an unborn baby chicken :I

  23. The racist comments are unnecessary and that part of the chicken, I have seen before, but some places take it off when they clean it.
